Subject Lead - Art (ID 1270)
Mrs Juliet HeatherSubject Lead - Art
Mrs Juliet Heather
We want all of our children to be excited and motivated throughout their time at our school. We want them to develop the skills and knowledge to enable them to make the best possible progress in their love for Art.
We believe that art engages children, it can inspire and challenge children to experiment, invent and to be creative.
Children learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles, cultural art and are given the opportunity to explore and evaluate different creative ideas. Children will be introduced to a range of works and develop knowledge of the styles used by famous artists.
Whole School Trip to the Russell Cotes Art Museum in Bournemouth - The children were fortunate to experience a trip to the Art Museum. The children were able to view the extensive collection of modern works of Art, sculptures, gems, paintings and much more. The children also enjoyed a hands-on Workshop where they all joined in showing off their own art creations.
Russell Cotes Art Museum - February 2022
Intent, Implementation, Impact
What Art looks like at Stanley Green Infant Academy